Adult Bible Study: Sundays at 9:15am
Sunday School: Sundays at 9:15am Sunday Worship: Sundays at 10:30am OktoberfestSaint John started hosting Oktoberfest as a small church potluck. After over 40 years, it has expanded to feed and entertain thousands every year. For more information please visit OKTOBERFEST
AA (Rule 62)Rule 62 meets in the community room at Saint John Hattiesburg. They meet Monday-Friday, 12noon-1pm and newcomers meet Saturday mornings, 10-11am.
The group is full of warm and inviting people who would love for you to join their meeting whether you are looking for support, advice, or are simply curious as to what happens during meetings. Everyone is welcome! To attend a meeting, make sure you park in the back of the church, walk towards the large "Welcome" sign, and enter through the double glass doors on your right. |
UPCOMING EVENTSLive Streaming of Worship Services —
Online Giving -- Online giving is available to members and friends of Saint John via the 'Give' tab on our webpage. Thank you for supporting our work together in Jesus' name. Instant Church Directory — Download “Instant Church Directory” from the Google Play or App Store, use your email address and the app will email you a password. If you have any questions or need and information updated, email the church office. Thank you. Men's Breadkfast--meets the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am at Chesterfield's, 4646 Hardy Street. Faith. Fellowship. Food. Kaffee Klatsch -- meets first and third Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Avenues Bible Study--meets second and fourth Wednesdays at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall. About Tithes and Offerings -- As followers of Jesus, we are convinced that the continuation of Christ's work — both in this place and to the ends of the earth — depends on each of our generosity of our life's passions, priorities, and provisions. As partners in Jesus' Gospel mission, we thankfully dedicate a part of our income to the Church's larger work. Financial tithes and offerings may be given on Sunday mornings during worship in the offering plate, via the regular mail, or online at the congregation's website by clicking on the 'Give' button. Thanks! |